Coming Out Process, Family of Origin Grieving, Internalized Homophobia / Transphobia, Identity Exploration, Transgender Continuum Issues, Evidence-Based LGBTQ+ Couple Therapy, Sexuality & Asexuality,  Family Planning and Fertility, Lifestyle Communities.

Support, validation, and love through the lifetime

Living a happy, healthy and connected life as a member of the LGBTQ+ community has definitely gotten easier and definitely still includes many levels of grieving and hardship.  Although our community in the Twin Cities is vibrant and active, individuals have decades of experience behind them that may not have been affirming and loving.  Issues related to gender, marriage, political and social discrimination / marginalization, and family planning continue to make members of our community experience added stress at critical life phases.  I work hard to be current on the issues in the community, particularly in the Transgender community, as it has experienced much growth and change recently.  I am a cisgender bisexual female (pronouns she/her) and a member of the MN LGBTQ+ Therapist Network.

Approaches I use with LGBTQ+ clients

  • Affirmation of sexual orientation / gender identity / pronoun use - This shouldn't have to be specified, but many individuals experience invalidation or misunderstanding of their identities and it is critical that they feel seen and understood in therapy.

  • Identity Exploration - At certain times in their lives, individuals in the LGBTQ+ community explore their emotional, gender, and sexual feelings and identity as well as their fears and anxieties related to these. Choosing a “label” is optional according to the preferences of the person.

  • Exploration of Gender - A number of my clients are exploring their gender identity. Areas of exploration can include their place on the gender continuum, pronouns, gender expression, affirmation of gender through medical interventions, a name that reflects their gender, social and familial reactions, internalized transphobia.

  • Emotion Focused Couple Therapy - A practice with evidence of effectiveness with LGBTQ+ couples.

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy - Helps explore negative and inaccurate thinking patterns that affect your mood and self-esteem.

  • Teaching Relationship Negotiation Skills - Learning to expect and negotiate for loving, equal, and respectful treatment in relationships.

  • Healing Developmental Trauma - Exploration of experiences from childhood, family of origin, peer groups, faith communities and the effects of those experiences.

  • Support for Coming Out Later in Life or After Heterosexual Marriage - It is fairly common for people to develop deeper understanding of themselves as they experience life. Sometimes this includes their understanding of their sexual orientation and ability to fall in love with a person of a different gender identity than they expected. I can help navigate this process.

  • Supporting you Creating a Family - LGBTQ+ families are begun through many means. I have extensive experience with fertility interventions and the medical and emotional effects that come with those. I can help couples cope and learn skills to support one another during this exhilarating and sometimes stressful time.