Depression, Bipolar Disorder, Grieving, Sadness, Intense Emotions, Moodiness, Emotional changes brought on by life events.


Mood Issues Through the Lifetime

Mood is an ever-changing thing.  Mood can shift numerous times during a single day, either in dramatic or subtle ways.  Mood is influenced by your genetics, hormones, state of health, exercise, chronic pain, medical problems and medications, life circumstances, family learning, significant losses, and personality.  Most people experience an episode of depression at some point in their lives and these resolve on their own or with some interventions.  People experience depression differently and some people experience anxiety or irritability as a symptom.  Suicidal thoughts - whether experienced occasionally or chronically - are common symptoms of depression. If you are struggling to resist acting on them, it is critical to seek intervention.  Medication and therapy can help control symptoms once you begin treatment.  More serious or long-term depression is best managed with long-term care and medication.  I can help you assess your depression and review options to treat it.

treatments for Mood disorders

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy - helps you identify depression-maintaining thinking patterns and adjust them.

  • Trauma Therapy - Helps you process and heal from past events

  • Medication - Physicians can prescribe medication that targets different symptom patterns. I can help you monitor your symptoms and communicate them to your physician.

  • Emotion Regulation Skills Training (DBT, STEPPS) - Provide in-the-moment skills to use when emotions run high.

  • Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder treatment - This is a recognized emotional condition now and sometimes treated with antidepressant medication for part of the menstrual cycle.

  • Bipolar Disorder management - this mood disorder responds well to a systematic approach to treatment that includes a few components.

  • Grief Therapy - There are books and therapy approaches that help you navigate the stages of grief.