Trouble Conceiving, Fertility Testing, Miscarriage, Stillbirth, Fertility Medication, Insemination, Egg and Sperm donation, In Vitro Fertilization, Adoption, Surrogacy, Choosing to Live Childfree. 


The Silent Grief of Infertility

Couples often expect conception and pregnancy to be fairly easy and are often caught off guard when problems emerge. Any or all of the above interventions can follow and the process of trying to begin or grow your family can become stressful and emotionally challenging.  Couples often have not developed the skills to grieve together and people grieve this process in different ways.  Medication for fertility can cause mood swings, which compounds the stress and grieving the couple experiences.  Infertility affects people's self-image and they are confronted with reminders throughout every day - at work, in their extended family, on media and social media.  I can help you navigate this process with your emotions and relationship intact.

infertility counseling techniques

  • Couple Communication - Helping the couple express their similar and different emotions

  • Grieving Skills - Learning the skill to grieve together

  • Education - Providing information and resources about the process and options

  • Support - Providing support group options and explanations of why and how they are helpful.

  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy - These techniques help you control thinking that increases distress

  • Emotion Management Skills - There are very helpful techniques for medical procedures and wait times

  • Options - Helping the couple explore and reconcile their feelings about their options

  • Social Communication - Learning ways to communicate with friends and family